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Nautical Charts of New Zealand

To order, please either phone (03 3745399) or email:

These charts show the depths of the ocean floor of all areas around New Zealand.

The scale of the charts varies.

All charts are $25 each.

Each laminated chart (in a soft foldable laminate) is $70.

The standard chart size is 1100mm x 720mm, but may be either portrait or landscape.

However, a few charts are half the above size eg Akaroa Harbour

The colours on the printed charts are not the colours as portrayed in the charts above (New Zealand and also Marlborough Sounds).

The colours are more along the lines of the images in the coverage maps below.

Please note:
NZ23 North Island and NZ25 South Island (full nautical coverage of each island) are no longer active.


Click here for the South Island Chart coverage


Click here for the North Island Chart coverage

Download an NZ202 Chart index

Download an Full Chart List

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All prices are in NZ$ including GST.
MapWorld is not liable for any inaccuracies in this information.
© MapWorld New Zealand, 2025