MapWorld Crew
MapWorld was started in 1997 by Neville Jones because he was looking for some maps for his overseas adventures and couldn't find any.
The store opened up with a few boxes of maps on Gloucester Street, and was painted in really funky colours in those days which drew lots of attention. Over the years, it grew in size to occupy the entire corner with the doors opening onto Manchester Street. Christchurch people still remember it as the "place with all the globes in the windows".
Neville Jones is an adventurer and has visited many parts of the world on every continent, with the latest being cross country road trips in Namibia and Australia. New parts of Asia are now on his radar.
Neville is the company director, but is seldom to be seen in the store these days as he has other projects that take up his time.
Madeleine Rayner joined the team in 2000 as the store manager. She has always loved geography and things "mappy". Her knowledge of Garmin GPS is extensive, and she loves hunting out maps for customers who are going to unusual places.
Madeleine also loves to travel, and in the last 20 years has visited every continent except Antarctica. In 2019, she went Europe to fill in some gaps on her map of Europe. The Baltic States were a special treat. Later that year, she also went to India which far exceeded her expectations.
2021 and 2022 were years of checking out parts ot New Zealand that haven't been visited for a while. In January 2021, she cruised on Doubtful Sound, jet boated up the Dart River, and tackled the Nevis Swing. In January 2022, she cruised around the Marlborough Sounds, and later checked out the Catlins.
2023 - the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan - and a self-guided trip with friends. Then a brief visit to South Korea to check out the DMZ which has always been on her list.
2024 - local trips and a week in Melbourne - my how it had changed in the last 20 years since she'd last visited.
2025 will see Madeleine filling in the gaps on her map of Europe: Greece, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg with an indulgent trip to Southern Italy.
Hannah Rosie who joined the team in May, 2017, loves working at MapWorld because it allows her to investigate and dream - about all the places she wants to visit. She definitely has the travel-bug.
She's already done some travelling, but her list of "places to visit" is truly extensive. She visited parts of South America including Machu Pichu in 2018, and was supposed to be heading to Japan in March, 2020. Sadly with develpoments in Japan at that time, she had to cancel her trip.
Like so many New Zealanders, in the COVID years, she used the opportunity to be a tourist in her own country with an expedition to Rakiura - Stewart Island. Later in 2021, she was all set for some big adventures in Auckland, Rotorua and Waitomo, when Auckland went into a prolonged lock-down.
Hannah has added to her skill set trying out hunting with considerable success. She bagged a large stag on her first outing.
In 2022, Hannah explored more of parts of New Zealand that she's not previously visited.
In 2023, she soaked up the sun and water with a couple of weeks in Fiji, which only served to stimulate her need to visit more Pacific Islands.
So in Setpember, 2024, she's off to Samoa AND American Samoa.
Heinrich Fenske is the accounts person who started with MapWorld in March, 2022.
MapWorld - Manchester/Gloucester Streets from 1997 to 2011

MapWorld - Moorhouse Ave from 2011