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Books for people who love maps

The following is a small collection of books for the mapaholics and map addicts amongst us.

These are quirky and entertaining as well as informative.

Click on the book cover to read more information about these fascinating books.

To order, please either phone (03 3745399) or email:

Prisoners of Geography

All leaders are constrained by geography. Their choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete.

The Power of Maps

A consideration of maps which evaluates the significance of the signs and myths which are inherent in them.

The World is Flat

An account of the great changes taking place in our time.

$44.90 $49.90
Penguin Dictionary of Geography

This book gives clear definitions of key concepts in physical and human geography

The Map That Changed the World

The map that charted the hidden underside of the world.

Revenge of Geography

This book offers a new way in which to view global upheavals and to understand what lies ahead for places around the world.


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