Geology maps of New Zealand and Geology Books
To order, please either phone (03 3745399) or email: info@mapworld.co.nz
The quarter million mapping (QMAP) programme is the national 1:250 000 digital geological mapping project, created using GIS. Each of the QM series comes with a map at !:250,000 scale as well as a book.
These publications consist of a book and a map. The physical size of the map varies, but is usually around 1000mm x 900mm.
Click on the title of the map for an image of the coverage and information about the geoglogy of the specific area.
In addition, we have copies of the following GM books / maps in stock.

More Earthquakes Explained

Hot Stuff to Cold Stone

Field Guide to NZ Geology

Awesome Forces

Living on Shaky Ground

Continent on the Move

Mineral Wealth of New Zealand