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NewTopo - the latest in New Zealand paper maps

To order, please either phone (03 3745399) or email:

NewTopo maps are designed to encourage walking in New Zealand's most popular regions and tracks

Map scales vary to suit the focus of the map. Five maps are small format 297x420mm (A3), and 32 maps are large format: 840x600mm. Foud maps are double-sided.

Recreational information is easy to read, complementing essential topographic information without clutter. showing essential topographic information without clutter. A realistic landform provides a useful geographic context and enables the user to engage with the landscape. The road network is very detailed and yet is clear and easy to follow. Car parks are shown at track entry points.

Maps are printed on either synthetic waterproof paper or high wet strength paper. Folded maps are presented in a clear vinyl wallet for protection. Flat copies for a number of maps are available for wall display, laminating, mounting or framing.The maps reflect the highest level of cartographic technology and production standards, resulting in a high quality long-lasting product.

All maps are on the New Zealand Transverse Mercator projection and are GPS compatible.

North Island maps

South Island maps

NewTopo Index

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All prices are in NZ$ including GST.
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