Silva 55 6400/360 mls compass
Silva compass
Probably the most resourceful compass in the world for artillery, target acquisition and command posts.
Out of stock. We're not sure when this compass will be back in stock.
- optical (prismatic) sighting system
- Type of compass - Silva 1-2-3 System
- Bearings can be taken with accuracy to within half a degree
- 6400 mils on the graduation ring
- 6400 mils and 360 degrees on the sighting scale
- Luminous needle, bearing point, and bezel
- Slope card for avalanche calculation
- Silicon friction feet
- Other - Patented red/black N/S lines in capsule
- Accuracy: +/_ 0.5 degree (8.9 mils)
- Altitude use: 5000m @-15C
- Resolution degrees/mils: Outer ring 2/50 Precision sighting scale 1/20
- UTM position plotting scales (Romer scales): 1:25k, 1:40k, 1:50k
- Water resistance: IP68 (10m)
- Settling time from 90 degrees to complete rest: 6 sec
- Settling time from 90 degrees within +/_ 3 degrees: 4 sec
- Weight: 39 grams
Price: $349