FastFind 220
MapWorld's price $599
McMurdo FF220 Mini PLB with GPS (24 hr battery) is a 406 MHz Personal Location Beacon (PLB) that should be carried by individuals who are embarking on trips into areas around the world where there is little or no other form of communication or where other forms of communication are unlikely to work.
The Fast Find acts as your personal Emergency Location Beacon, it is your last resort communication to the national and international search and rescue bodies and it should not be mis-used.
The Fast Find is designed as a direct communication, to the 406 MHz Search and Rescue satellite system, its signal indicates that you are in need of urgent response and assistance.
FAST FIND also includes a SOS LED flash light facility which is manually activated to further assist in speeding up the users recovery during night time rescues.
Accuracy: 100 m when GPS coordinates are present.
Weight: 196g
Dimensions: 34 x 47 x 106 mm
Material: High impact engineered plastic
Operation: Deploy antenna, Press "ON/OFF" button for 1 second
Waterproof: 10 m for 5 mins
Limited Warranty: 6 years
Battery Type: Lithium - 6-year replacement life (NON-HAZMAT)
Operating Life: +24 hours @ -20°C
Typical Operating Life: 24 hours @ up to -20°C